Contribute to The Gathering Place
We offer several ways to support The Gathering Place.
Give as a Founder
Become a Founding Member of The Gathering Place and contribute to the expenses of buying the land and establishing the buildings and infrastructure. Founding Members’ names will become a part of the property in a visible way. Fill out the form for more information on this level of gift.
Be a Sustainer
It is our intention that each animal at The Gathering Place finds a loving and committed adoptive family. While they are with us, under our care, they require support until adoption.
Some of the animals at The Gathering Place cannot or will not ever be adopted. Their forever home is with us. Sponsor a resident animal and contribute to their health and wellbeing for the remainder of their life at The Gathering Place.
Sustaining members contribute to animal family members that are awaiting adoption and those that are with us for their entire life.
Planned Giving as a Legacy Member
When you leave a gift in your will, trust, investment accounts, retirement plans, or other estate plans, you make life and love possible for many animal family members. Putting a legacy gift in place is an easy and meaningful way to continue changing the world for animal beings and ensuring that your commitment to a better world for animals is made possible through your plans. Fill out the form to connect with us.
Contribute Here
Payments will be processed through PayPal for your convenience.